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Clevedon Swimming Club


Clevedon Swimming Club – 30/03/14.

“I would like to comment on Amy and Joe’s visit.  I felt that they were really informative and helpful, but particularly to the level of the members of Clevedon Swimming Club, relaying their experiences to ones which our children could relate to. Seeing them swim in the pool was an inspiration too and generally I feel that they were extremely approachable and helpful to both parents and kids alike.” – a parent

‘As a coach and parent, I feel that our swimmers got massive benefit from Amy and Joe’s master class. Amy and Joe were friendly, knowledgeable and highly professional and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them.” – a coach and parent

“It was fantastic from start to finish.  What lovely, down-to-earth people Amy and Joe are.  The swimmers will have got so much out of this evening, as I certainly did” – a coach