Summer Swim Camp 2017


Exciting news! We are holding another two day swim camp at Abingdon School in Oxfordshire over the Summer holidays, come and join us!

The camp will be held on the 12th & 13th of August and will cover all 4 strokes over the 2 day camp, including live demonstrations.

There will also be land based sessions focusing on pre-pool work and injury prevention, and classroom sessions where swimmers will be able to get involved and ask Amy and Joe any questions they may have.

The camp will cost £75 per day, and you will get a free Swim Swift Elite swim cap. You will be able to attend either one or both days.

If you would like to sign up for the camp or would like any more information, please get in touch either by email at or by phone on 07815 021591.

Not long to go to secure your place! We hope to see you there!’
