Active Nation (Lincoln).

In April, Amy travelled to Yarborough Leisure centre in Lincoln to attend an event hosted by Active Nation. Active Nation is a charity that promotes physical activity & a healthy lifestyle to the nation. Amy was asked to speak to the children who attended this free event about not just her journey leading up to the London 2012 Olympic Games, but how she got into swimming, and everything she has gained from it. After chatting, we all headed over to the pool for an hour of starts & turns practice with some fun new drills for the swimmers to try, and even some t-shirt relays at the end! It wasn’t just the swimmers that Amy worked with that day, but the teachers too. Many of the teachers got in the water with Amy to try out some different drills that could be used with their swimmers, & went through technical points of each stroke. We looked at ways to use drills on land before transferring them into the water, and how we could use different pieces of equipment to aid the drills. It was great to see that the teachers were so enthusiastic & willing to try the drills out themselves.