We are Olympians Amy Smith and Joe Roebuck a pair who have created swim Swift elite. Together we offer a variety of ways to improve your swim skills and offer our services to individuals and groups of competitive club swimmers striving for county level and beyond to maximise your speed and performance in the pool.

Swim Camps UK & EU
We hold affordable UK swim camps at various venues around the UK & Europe. Many camps are organised for the school holidays throughout the year. It’s your chance to experience a top-class Swim Camp with the in-depth coaching to help you perfect your stroke techniques, improve your starts & turns, work on your race tactics and more.

Swim Training Nationwide
You can book our Swimming Masterclasses, Triathlon Swim Masterclasses or Personal Appearances in most parts of the UK – Mention us to your club. We are also now planning our Swim Camps for the next 12 months so keep an eye out for our latest news and the locations for our next swim camps in your region.
Abingdon camp 2017
Abingdon camp 2017We’re always happy whenever we are able to run our swim camps at Abingdon School. We were sold out for the 2nd year (so make sure you get your names down quick for future camps!). A great bunch of swimmers attended on both days a pleasure to work with them in and out of the pool. All 4 strokes were analysed over the 2 days as well as Team building, Core strengthening, Activations, Dynamic power, Circuit training, Goal setting, Race strategies, How to deal with nerves, & Inspiration!
Everyone that came left with key focus points that they are able to take back into their own training to be able to maximise their improvements and swimming performance. Everything ran as smoothly as possible, it was a busy couple of days and everyone left tired and smiling!
Wombourne Swimming Club
How great to be invited to Wombourne for 2 weekends!
During the pool sessions we were asked to cover Freestyle, Backstroke, Dives, flip turns and help the guys work on some weaknesses and think about their stroke and techniques in a different way. We also examined the mental aspects of training and competition and what it takes to be successful and a world class athlete. To begin the session on the 2nd week we also put the guys through their paces with a land training circuit taking exercises out of our own Olympic programmes and explaining and demonstration how to execute them correctly to assist their pool developments.
Independent Coach Education
I.C.E obviously agreed with us that Abingdon School has some great facilities and is an ideal place to host a swimming training day. This was another great opportunity for us to help explain and refine the complex and intricate techniques that are involved in swimming for teachers and coaches. Hopefully this way there will be some more up to date swim teaching and coaching occurring in UK and international schools. As always all who attended were very keen to learn as much as possible over the day and to get as much information from us as they can so that they are able to help their students and swimmers improve. Fantastic for us to work with some keen and driven adults. They even all got in the water and gave the drills a go!
The King’s High School for Girls – Warwick
Swim Swift Elite do not solely work with UK based swimming clubs, we have visited school swimming teams both nationally and internationally. So when The King’s High School for Girls asked us to work with their swimming team and said that they could do with some help with their Freestyle and Dives, we were happy to help!
The girls did a great job getting involved with everything that we asked them to do even if some of the technique ideas were very new to them. The visit was then completed with some swim specific land training exercises during an hour’s circuit training. All the girls were very keen for autographs and to talk to us before we left. We wish them good luck and hope that we’ll see them again in the future!
Back to Croatia
After the success of the inaugural Swim Camp in September 2016, INCroatia is teaming up again with Swim Swift Elite and Jamieson Swimming (Michael Jamieson) to host the Three Olympians Camp 2017.
Working with Olympian, World, European and Commonwealth medal winners, swimmers will immerse themselves in a world of elite swimming techniques while improving already acquired ones.
Camp 1: August 27th – 31st
Camp 2: August 30th – September 3rd
Both camps are open for:
Age Group 1 (10 to 13)
Age Group 2 (14 to 17)
Master Swimmers
Check out the video here!
To sign up and for more information click the link!
Summer Swim Camp 2017
Exciting news! We are holding another two day swim camp at Abingdon School in Oxfordshire over the Summer holidays, come and join us!
The camp will be held on the 12th & 13th of August and will cover all 4 strokes over the 2 day camp, including live demonstrations.
There will also be land based sessions focusing on pre-pool work and injury prevention, and classroom sessions where swimmers will be able to get involved and ask Amy and Joe any questions they may have.
The camp will cost £75 per day, and you will get a free Swim Swift Elite swim cap. You will be able to attend either one or both days.
If you would like to sign up for the camp or would like any more information, please get in touch either by email at info@swimswiftelite.co.uk or by phone on 07815 021591.
Not long to go to secure your place! We hope to see you there!’
Easter 2017 Swim Camp
Very exciting news! We are holding another two day swim camp at Welbeck Defense College, Leicestershire, this Easter holidays, come and join us!
The camp will be held on the 8th & 9th of April and will cover all 4 strokes over the 2 day camp, including live demonstrations.
There will also be land based sessions focusing on pre-pool work and injury prevention, and classroom sessions where swimmers will be able to get involved and ask Amy and Joe any questions they may have.
The camp will cost £75 per day, and you will get a free Swim Swift Elite swim cap. You will be able to attend either one or both days.
If you would like to sign up for the camp or would like any more information, please get in touch either by email at info@swimswiftelite.co.uk or by phone on 07815 021591.
Not long to go to secure your place! We hope to see you there! See more Swim Camp Information here.
Swim Camps 2017
After the success of the inaugural Swim Camp in September 2016, INCroatia is teaming up again with Swim Swift Elite and Jamieson Swimming (Michael Jamieson) to host the Easter Camp 2017.
Working with Olympian, World, European and Commonwealth medal winners, young swimmers (aged 13 to 19) will immerse themselves in a world of elite swimming techniques while improving already acquired ones.
Sign up, perfect your swimming technique during this memorable week in Croatia!
Price: 610 EUR per person (10% discount for returning swimmers).
Check out the video here!
Norfolk ASA.
We were lucky enough to be invited to speak at Norfolk ASA regional development day in November about our journeys & experiences leading up to the London 2012 Olympic Games, and the trials, tribulations, and also fantastic highs we faced along the way. We spoke to around 25 swimmers, and some parents & coaches, hoping to motivate the young swimmers to shoot for the stars and not be afraid to do something different with the aim of reaching their goals. Best of luck to everyone there, we hope to see you all again in the future.
Independent Coach Education Day.
This was another new venture for us. When we were contacted to run a CPD course for teachers and coaches, helping them “update their subject knowledge and make lessons more relevant, varied and effective”. We analysed each stroke through a variety of drills and demonstrations which the teachers and coaches were encouraged to try in the water. These practical sessions were then followed up with some video analysis in the classroom, showing above and underwater videos of Amy and Joe demonstrating all four strokes, starts and turns, highlighting what makes each discipline as efficient as possible. We really enjoyed working with a different audience who all gave us thanks and brilliant feedback. We are already looking forward to future CPD course and a working relationship with Independent Coach Education!
The next course is Wednesday 18th January.
Follow this link for more info.