Christmas Swim Camp at Welbeck Defense College.

Just before Christmas, Swim Swift Elite held their 4th successful Swim camp for competitive swimmers from around the country to attend. After the swimmers getting to know each other in the gym, we made sure that they were all stretched out, and their core & other important muscles were activated & warm before getting in the pool, a great way of preventing those unwanted niggles or even injuries. With 17 swimmers attending the camp, everyone had individual pointers when working on drills for Freestyle, tumble turns, the underwater phase, and Freestyle breakouts.
Everyone did a fantastic job, we had a great time working with you all.
Thank you for attending, and we hope to see you on our future camps, keep an eye on the website and social media pages. Thank you also to the staff at Welbeck Defense College in Leicestershire who allowed us to hire their wonderful facilities for the second time, everything ran very smoothly.