International School Moshi.

This was one of the very best highlights we have had so far! What a fantastic experience for us to venture out to the exciting continent of Africa! This venture all started with a keen swimming parent asking about our interest to work with the schools swimming team. After finding out more information we jumped at the chance.
Set on the foothills and in plain sight of Kilimanjaro we were welcomed into the school by the extremely friendly and enthusiastic staff. Each morning at 5.30am (before the Sun had risen) we had made our way to the pool to begin land training with the senior team and then into the pool for a training session before school started at 7.35am. The morning swim was designed for more rigorous sets, tapping into different energy systems and testing stroke mechanics and technique. The afternoon practice was for stroke demonstrations from Amy & Joe and was more technique focused, with each day examining on one particular stroke. The junior swimmers we met once a day and had a mix of the two types of workouts in their daily session, and both groups added dryland training in order to strengthen muscles associated with swimming and increase flexibility.
This alone we enjoyed immensely, seeing these swimmers learn new skills and techniques and surprise themselves with how much they could physically and mentally improve. We were hugely impressed by how much they raised their game, training 8 times in 4 days plus land work! Well done!
Over the four days we were in the school we stood up in front of every student in the school in a mixture of assemblies and classroom visits. Sharing our journeys, values, highs and lows. This was really well received by all age groups and we were very impressed by the level of excitement, attention, interaction and manners from the students.
We loved every minute of our visit and would like to say a special thanks to Mary Fitzpatrick, Annalee & Bob Horton and Ryan Sullivan for all their efforts to make this happen!
Hope to see you all next year!