St Mary’s Cambridge Sports Awards.

It was fantastic to be invited to attend the Sports Awards dinner hosted by St Mary’s Independent Girls school in Cambridge this year. Amy was joined by two amazing athletes, Claire Cunningham & Serita Soloman who are both competing for their seat on the plane to Rio later this year! Amy was sat on a table with some very inspirational year 7’s for dinner, and was able to find out much more about the students, their amazing school, and what they love about taking part in the variety of sports available to them with the support of the school. Claire, Serita & I were then asked to take to the stage and answer some questions that had been prepared by the students, about our own journeys, challenges we came across, how we fit our training around studies, and much more. Every student in the room had achieved so much and should be very proud of themselves. It was brilliant to see how much support is offered to each and every student, not just from the school, but from every other girl there. The local paper even wrote an article on it! Here is the link…